Fostering Our Dogs
“Could You be a Foster Home and Look After One of Our Dogs In Need?

The Trust are sometimes in need of “short and long term foster homes”. These dogs are looked after in a home rather than a kennel as it is less stressful for the dog. A foster home is used for a variety of reasons some are medical, others are just because the dog is old and infirm and a permanent home is not available.
We are always looking for kind people who will care for these dogs whilst they undergo treatment, recuperate after surgery or just simply provide a warm and loving environment and company.
Our Foster Homes Are ALL Fully Vetted to Ensure Their Suitability.
We make sure that our foster homes have all they need to look after the dog including, bed, collar and lead, and food. We can also help with transport if the dog needs veterinary treatment. All medical fees whilst in foster are paid for by the Trust. In some cases dogs are sponsored by a specialist petfood company.
We have a non-put down policy at the Trust and no dog is ever put to sleep unless it is a danger to the public or has become too ill and this is only done on the advice of a veterinary surgeon.
Our foster homes are often families with older children who have time on their hands and enjoy the company of a dog without the responsibility of total ownership.
We encourage all our foster carers to work with those dogs that need a little more training and there is always someone available for help and advice.
From One of Our Foster Carers:
I have been fostering Labradors for 10 years or so and I have yet to experience anything else which is quite as rewarding as helping these wonderful dogs on their journey to their forever homes.
I have met every age, type, colour, and sized Labrador imaginable, yet no two dogs have been the same – they have all had different backgrounds and had varying needs from one extreme to another. – whether it be physical, emotional, medical or all three. But all have shared one thing in common – they all came in to rescue through no fault of their own and they all deserved the best possible chance.
By welcoming these dogs into your home and treating them as one of the family, it is impossible not to grow attached to them. I love each and every one of them as I would by own and I admit that many tears have been cried when it comes to them leaving my care. But when I see them greet their lovely new owners and then hear how they have settled and become part of their family, it then makes it all worthwhile.

But not all the tears are sad ones – I can guarantee that I have shed equal amounts of tears of pride, joy and laughter – especially when I have witnessed the difference which I have made to a particular Labradors’ life.
Caring for any dog has its frustrations at times, but by fostering help and advice is readily available. Labrador Lifeline Trust are committed to provide every dog in its care with everything it needs in order to ensure its comfort, health and happiness. Every effort is made to ensure each dog is matched well with their fosterer.
There are so many great potential homes out there whom are unable to care for a Labrador permanently, whether it be due to work, holiday, family or financial commitments – which is why fostering is a perfect option for them.
More comments from our Foster Carers:
- “I work full time as a teacher, but I have all school holidays off. I therefore foster during some of those periods”
- “I live with my elderly father, who is able to care for an older Labrador in the home, but is not quite strong enough to walk one. I work full time, but I am able to walk the dog before and after work and at weekends. Fostering has been great and has provided company for my father during the day and has enabled me to enjoy having a Labrador to come home to”
- “We are early retired, but we love to travel. We do love having a Labrador to stay when we’re not away”
“I am a single mum and though I’d love to have my own dog, I am unable to afford the upkeep and I may have to go back to work full time in the future. By fostering, I get to enjoy the love of a Labrador and the walks in the parks” - “We already have our own Labrador but we like to be able to help by offering a less fortunate dog a temporary home. We also like to have a break from having 2 dogs every now and again”
If you think you could be a foster home for one of our dogs then why not give us a call and have a chat with us on 01256 884027 or your local Area Coordinator. You need to reside within one of our areas to become a foster home as obviously we need to be close by to assist where necessary.
Alternatively please contact our Administrator at for further information on this service.
How do I foster a dog?
If you think you could be a foster home for one of our dogs then why not give us a call and have a chat with us on 01256 884027
Are there requirements for fostering?
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How am i matched to a foster dog?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin justo tincidunt eget malesuada etnon odio molestie, sed venenatis. Sed purus purus, tincidunt eget malesuada et, molestie ut eros. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et et dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin justo tincidunt eget malesuada etnon odio molestie, sed venenatis.
Are foster dogs for healthy?
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et et dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sollicitudin justo tincidunt eget malesuada etnon odio molestie, sed venenatis.